Our Carrier Oils

Bee Sage Farm uses a number of different carrier oils in combination with the essential oils that make up our balms, oils, essences, and salves. These “base” oils are used to safely dilute the concentrated essential oils and help cover a larger surface area of your body without applying their more potent counterparts directly to your skin.

Each carrier oil has different properties, and Bee Sage Farm takes care to select the ones we feel most beneficial to the essential oils they’re paired with, so that you can get the most out of our products.

Coconut Oil

Coconut is a cold-pressed, organic, and renewable oil with an indefinite shelf-life. It is versatile, and its light, non-greasy feel allow it to do magic for all skin types. Chock full of antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, it provides outstanding health benefits while nourishing and treating the body with high lauric acid content (50%).

Jojoba Oil

This oil is the closest to mimicking the skin’s natural oils. Loaded with eicosenoic acid (75%), a long omega-9 fatty acid that cannot be digested by humans, it is one of the best moisturizers for facial and body skin. With the longest fatty acid found in any carrier oil, it protects against oxidation, which allows for an extensive shelf-life and high absorption rate. It is a natural antifungal and blends well with similar oils for topical application.

Grapeseed Oil

High in Linoleic acid, this oil is a powerhouse in strengthening the skin’s barrier against everyday toxins and inflammatory agents. It is non-comedogenic, lending itself as a great option to minimize acne, redness, and irritation, as well as soothe ailments like dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. A restorative oil, grapeseed is regenerative in supportive skin tightening and pore shrinkage while toning and evening skin texture.

Argan Oil

Argan oil has been used for centuries for a plethora of skin ailments and maintenance. It is no wonder this oil is popular amongst commercial skincare companies around the globe. The Cadillac of oils, argan embodies omega fatty acids, Vitamin E, and Linoleic acids which offer anti-inflammatory properties and hydration, leaving skin feeling silky smooth and clean. Versatile, this topical oil has been used for everything from minor burns and skin irritation to dermatitis and aging.

Sweet Almond Oil

Rich in Vitamin E, this oil is a superb antioxidant and moisturizer for skin. For those with dry skin, this oil offers healing and regeneration. Being high in Oleic and Linoleic acids, this oil assists with skin inflammation and irritation and helps protect against the harmful effects of the sun, as well as reduce those pesky fine lines. As a hypoallergenic option, it is gentle enough for the entire family, making it a must for your self-care repertoire. Use it as a massage oil, facial moisturizer, and relief agent for dry/irritated skin.

Castor Oil

Often overlooked or forgotten, castor oil deserves a place on our shelves as a healing medicinal oil. Revered in the ancient Ayurvedic tradition, this oil has a host of benefits. It is rich in Ricinoleic acid and monosaturated fatty acids, helping it act as a natural occlusive. Through proper use, it can assist in reducing water loss through the skin while providing anti-inflammatory support and swelling reduction. Anti-aging benefits include reducing fine lines, evening skin texture, minimizing skin discoloration/hyperpigmentation, age spots, and minor acne scars.

Sunflower Oil

Full of antioxidants and Vitamins A and E, sunflower oil is great for fighting free radicals that cause inflammation, as well as maintaining skin by soothing premature wrinkles, sun damage, scarring, and bacteria-causing acne. It is easily absorbed into the skin with little to no residue and is a natural moisturizer for eczema, dry and sensitive skin. Antioxidants assist with immune support by reducing free radicals, strengthening cell membranes, and providing proteins essential for cell building and repairing. Use it once a week to soften dry, frizzy hair, and to add shine and boost hair growth (rich in gamma alpha linolenic acid, which is known to prevent hair loss and often used as treatment).

Sesame Seed Oil

One of the best oils for your overall health, sesame seed oil contains the antioxidants sesamol and sesaminol, which reduce inflammation and cell damage. Studies show it inhibits compounds like xanthine oxidase and nitric oxide. Historically, it has been used for inflammation relief associated with joint irritation, toothaches, and scrapes. It has also been shown to reduce LDL and help regulate blood sugar, making it great for heart health when used regularly. Topically, sesame seed oil speeds up wound and burn healing, aids in arm/leg pain reduction when used as a massage oil, and can help improve sleep.